Thursday, March 6, 2014

A visit by my folks and so a mini day trip.

Well, I am not certain to post as often as I did several years ago, but I have recently gotten back into blogging for a communications class of mine. So, I will try to occasionally post here. Perhaps there are some folks who still want to see whats happening for me by way of my blog.
My parents had a crazy time getting to France. There first flight was delayed and delayed and delayed. Finally they made it to Luxembourg. We let them rest two days and we were off to use the sunshine. We had been trying for more than a month I think to get to this lion. This is in Belfort, France. The Lion of Belfort. Check it out here:
We six.
We four

I like me in the background.
My cute parents.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Back again.

It has been a long while since I even looked at my blog here. I suppose Facebook took my computer time for such things as posting pictures and communicating with others. I have recently gone back to school. I am taking some courses online. It has made me want to pick up writing here again. I will post a recent picture of the family soon too. In two years time much changes.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A little dip...

in the inflatable pool out on the balcony. If only there were a big enough pool for me. I was miserable hot and towards the end pregnant. I sometimes even just soaking my feet would have been nice. Anyways, Léa definitely enjoyed her little pool.
This is her first relaxing little pool experience.
We borrowed the rubber ducks from the bath.
She enjoyed playing with them.

Friday, July 2, 2010


A close up to see the skinned knee and elbow. All part of learning to walk and trying to run, right? Both her knees were skinned. I am not sure about the other elbow.
She really likes to try and get the camera.

Reading with Papa.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Flower pots.

Léa has all sorts of toys. Some of them she plays as directed with, others she makes it up as she goes. You can also see some of her first booboos on her knees.
Hmmm, nice flower pots...
I mean shoes.
Hey Mommy has that camera again.
I want it.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Some more Chinese food.

We really enjoy this Chinese restaurant. I am not sure why we always take pictures...wait because we are so darn cute.
Me and hiding the belly well.
She really smiles big time at times.
What a straight on shot.