Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A bike ride to the fountain.

When I was young I remember my family was a bicycling family. When we were each small we rode in seats behind mommy or daddy. Then when we knew how to ride we got to ride in a line. Mommy in front us girls and daddy in back. It was always nice to bicycle around our town. People even knew us by that. Seb got a bicycle for himself, so that he could bike to work some days. Later we got a bicycle for me too. We managed to go out a few times before I got too pregnant. This day we decided to go for a bike ride towards Tervuren. There is a nice path and there are lots of trees and pretty scenery on the way. I was a bit slow at this point, but I enjoyed the bit of exercise. Seb had Léa with him. We have a two seater cart that can be pulled behind. It is nice. Léa gets to look around and if she is tired she goes to sleep. We rode until the fountain. It is really cool. Of course we took pictures!
Darn truck.
There is the fountain.
A bit closer.
And a traffic circle to drive around it.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Yummy chocolatey hazelnut spread...NUTELLA!

What fun! Léa loves to try a bite of what we are having. Papa decided to share a bit of bread smothered in Nutella. I do believe she liked it.
The before.
Cute brown eyes.
The ballon...not quite and intimidating as the one in The Prisoner.
That smile is as if she is about to do something she isn't suppose to.
For what I do not know, but she is equipped.
Please may I have another.
The after.
Oh yeah!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I got to see Don McClean.

And he was great. Seb really enjoys all the concerts available here in Belgium. He has been able to see tons of bands that he likes. Good stuff! I also try to read through the list of shows occasionally just in case there is someone I don't want to miss. I am glad I do. I found Don McClean that way. I remember listening to my parents cassette tape of him. I really like American Pie of course, along with Vincent and Castles in the Air. It turned out that he was in Brussels and available for his concert, but the other musicians that usually play with him were stuck in America due to the volcano ash. How sad. He did play by himself though. Even just though it was just him and his guitar it was amazing. I really enjoyed that show.
The opening act. She was pretty good.
Just after he came out on stage.
After I took some pictures. I moved back to simply sit down and enjoy.
They reminded us to not use the flash and I try to respect the artists, but not too bad a picture anyways.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Tidying the shopping.

A trip to Cora for some diapers and other necessary items. Seb recently bought a dolly and uses it occasionally to bring up stacks of things. This was the pile of items after this shopping trip. Léa was helping put things away.
The stack-o-diapers...and things.
Where do these go?
And the other.
I'm helping really.
I'll put them away now.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Trying to enjoy downtown.

May not be the best of pictures, but I love all the churches in Europe. I just love the architecture. I also just enjoy to take pictures. We were spending a little time in downtown Brussels.
A little one downtown.
Nice time.
Getting tired.

Friday, April 16, 2010

To the big parc.

There are several parcs in the area. There are lots of green places with trees and lakes. It is quite wonderful. There are always many parcs with play areas and playgrounds. One reasonably close to our apartment is huge and very green. It is a long walk with a stroller, but there is a nice bicycle/running/walking path that goes directly to it. The long part is useful on the way back. Sometimes Léa tires herself out enough to fall asleep. So occasionally we take the trip to this large park. There are lots of geese, ducks, and swans. Léa loves these big water birds. She likes them so much that she chases them. No surprise huh? Lots of kids like that. Well, she wants to follow them into the water. I then of course stop her. She gets so mad and cries so hard. It usually ends with having to put her in the stroller and leave. I have learned to save the goose chase until the end of our visit.
She gets fed up with the stroller, but this way she burns some energy.
Rocks, dirt, anything she can pick up.
We cross a bridge and this is the view from on the middle.
Looking towards part of the lake.
Looking towards the bridge from the other side of the lake.
Who wants to play with a ball when there are sticks.
Leaves and things could be yummy, Mommy.
Really Mommy, stop with the pictures.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Napping on Papa.

Just love to catch these moments. He likes to hold her when she gets tired. Then he gets tired and lays down. So of course they both fall asleep.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter 2010.

There just so happens to be an English speaking Lutheran church here in the city we live. How awesome is that! Each month they have a family service on the first Sunday of the month. Since Easter just happened to be the first Sunday of the month this year there was a family service. There is always a puppet show and little musical instruments for the kids during some of the songs. Léa watched some of the puppet show. For the Easter story there were plastic eggs passed out to the kids. Léa had one too. After the service there were arts and crafts for the kids to do and try. I did a few little things for Léa so I would have something to put in a little Easter basket. I know she is young to understand and enjoy an Easter basket, but it was fun for me. And I look forward to doing the American traditions for holidays as well as the French ones. There is not a French Easter Bunny. It is something to do with bells.
She managed to get two eggs.
Always wants something.
Up close with the puppets.
Look see.
And one with me.
Léa's first Easter basket.

Music preference.

Léa has little pairs of tights I like to put on her under her onesies. I think it helps keep her legs warm and they are just cute. I especially like these striped ones. Léa is a big fan of music and dancing too. She seems to like all sorts of music, but she is partial to Papa's genre likes.
Rolling around and being cute.
Gotta go get into something.
Check out all those buttons I could press.
Trying to look innocent.
A good start to learning the bass.
A little head banging.
Those darn feet get in the way. Léa is so cute. She likes to close doors, but she also wanted to make sure I was still filming her.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

The elephants in Tervuren's Africa.

There is an African museum in Tervuren. We decided to go and have a picnic because there is a big open green area with fountain. Too bad it was super windy the day we went, so it was cold. There were really cool sculptures of elephants. We of course took pictures with them.
The museum.
Happy little family.
One of the big elephants.
A littler elephant.
I liked both of these pictures. This one Léa is closer to smiling.
A closer look at the museum. And more elephants.
My beautiful little girl.
Walking with her Winne the Pooh bear.
Léa and me-with a little bit more prego belly.
Facing the wind.