Thursday, March 25, 2010

Who needs an extra hand when you have a mouth?

I just love that kids find a way. Léa likes to hold things. Even when its three or more items she finds a way. Here she just happens to be holding a sippy with her mouth, but believe me she will grip other toys and things with her teeth as well.
She is a ball girl.
Gotta be able to get around with all your items at once.
A trip outside.
Hello there.
See the building Mommy?

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Flowers for me and a trip to Aachen.

A beautiful bouquet of flowers just for me. I was surprised by these one evening when Sébastien came home. I love all the colors. They smelled wonderful. He got them for me just because.
Just lovely
So nice.
Did I say I love the flowers?
One week-end we decided to go to Germany. Seb had heard of Aachen and thought it would be nice to visit. It is reasonably close and would be a get away for a day. We arrived a little before lunch and past a Burger King. We drove a little towards the city center and then turned around to have lunch. We ate at Burger King. It was a nice little touch of America for me. I always enjoy a good whopper or whopper junior. After lunch we went into town. We parked in a parking garage in downtown. Then we went off on foot to explore. We passed lots of shops and bakeries. Europe is full of yummy pastries. Germany is no exception. I stopped in a little shop that had Easter decorations and thing. I wanted plastic Easter eggs for Léa. I also found a cute little stuffed duck that quacks. At that point in time we were ready to buy a snack. Seb got a very large cinnamon raison type danish and I got little sugared dough nut type balls.
A fountain we passed.
It opened and closed. I thought it was very cool.
The monster danish.
Me with a little prego belly. I am hiding it well, but yes, we are expecting another baby.
This one is for you Daddio. I know how much you like ginkos. Me too!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Such a laugh.

Sneaking to take a picture before she decided to get down off the sofa.
I like the feet in this one.
Watching tv.
She just loves noises like this and will laugh and laugh.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Singing along with Hairspray.

Still watching.
The art of climbing.
Love the bear.
She finally gets them all and throws them off the sofa.
More climbing.
Part pushing, part climbing.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Not such a good idea trip to a museum.

Her friend Winne the Pooh.

Hey there bear. What are you doing?
Her other friends, Dopey and Happy.
There is a comic museum in Brussels. It is all the famous
Belgian (and French maybe I am not sure)comics. Tin Tin
is one of Sebastien's favorites.
What Smurf?
Gaston's office I think.
No cheese.
I am leaving.
Léa spotted this ballon that a little girl had. She fussed and cried and threw a fit whenever she saw it. The little girl was nice enough to give it to Léa.
A popular one.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

First visit to...

Vosselaar. Sébastien goes to Vosselaar for concerts. There is a
heavy metal music shop there he always likes to frequent. This
weekend we all decided to go and have lunch. We found a lovely
Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was very nice. There was a
booster seat for Léa. She was very well behaved. Sébastien had
a shrimp dish with vegetables and I was pleased to try sweet
and sour chicken. Fried rice came with the meals. Both plates
were extremely delicious. Even Léa enjoyed pieces of everything.
I am glad that we found the restaurant.
Here we are waiting for the food.
Léa with her cheerios.
We walked down to the music shop, but
Léa wants to walk in the road.

Just before loading back into the car.
Its lonely down here.
I wanna go.
Back home and dancing.

Just some pictures.

A different day in the bumbo.
She really wants the camera.
She likes soft blankets.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Bumbo with amputee.

This is Léa's bumbo seat. I received it as a baby shower present.
I had hoped that she would sit in it as a baby as she was beginning
to sit, but it was on its way to France in shipping. Now that she is
bigger she seems to actually like it and plays with it. At first she had
trouble getting into it correctly by herself.
Her she is.
This is when she climbs in by herself. No legs?
What is it?
I can clap my hands.
Get me out of here!