Sunday, October 11, 2009

Going on the Eurotunnel...

Sunday, October 11, Sébastien's work set up a tour to Dover and Canterbury in the United Kingdom. We were on a bus and took the Eurotunnel. There are basically big train like compartments that buses pull into to ride over to the other side. There are also some for cars I think. You cannot really see out at much, but it is really interesting to think about being under water.
A bus pulling in.
One of the Eurotunnel trains.
The passport checks to the Eurotunnel took some time, so we were running a little behind schedule. We arrived in Dover at the castle in time for the first group to take there guided tour of the Secret Wartime Tunnels. We were part of the second group. We had time to wander around the castle and take pictures.
Walking up to the castle.
So grand.
A picture Seb took. I like the lighting.
A little view of the medieval time.
A guest room...what small people back then. I thought it was the children's room.
A nice banquet hall.
Back outside.
Such great views.
They are both so cute.
More of the castle and grounds.
Figure I needed to show the British flag.
We did not catapult anyone over the wall...
Seb liked this view showing how much space the wall and castle took.
And I just really like this sort of picture.
So medieval.
And this is the last shot as we were being called to get on the bus. The group needed to get to the next stop.

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