Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cute baby girl legs.

My little girl.
Gotta get the Mr. Potato Head parts.
She got an ear.
She almost sat on the eyes.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The IKEA chair.

We bought this chair from IKEA because I find it extremely comfortable. Léa seems to like it as well. Once she learned
how to climb into it she practiced non-stop.
Its a bit of a challenge with short legs.
Too cute.
Bird watching.
I see that camera Mommy.
Just to get a thrill.
Last one.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Tuesday at Fun Tots.

Léa and I have found a play group to attend on Tuesdays. I heard
about it from a lady I attend church with. Everyone who attends is
English speaking which is nice for me. I have taken Léa several
times now and at first she was a bit hesitant. The first few times she
preferred to stay close to me. Each time we were able to make it
she got a bit braver. She enjoys being around the other children.
For the most part she of course still plays on her own, but it is nice
for her to have the chance to socialize. Since the group meets on
Tuesdays, they had a big turn out for Mardi Gras.
Finding just the right toys to carry around and chew on.
There were little games like at a fair.
She found a lion during her wanderings.
Not much for golf.
She was watching the bean bag toss.

Monday, February 15, 2010

The end of the pink eye.

Léa was sick pretty much the whole month of February.
She had a vaccine at the beginning of the month and
then she got a cold. She couldn't get rid of the cold. She
staid congested, had a cough, and then the runny nose.
Of course when there was snot running from the nose
she went to rub it with her hands. Then there were times
she proceeded to rub the snotty hand in her eyes. She
indeed ended up with pink eye. Poor girl. We bought
some medicine from the pharmacy and used it. She
started showing the pink eye sometime Thursday. we
applied the medicine over the week-end. She was
almost rid of the pink eye by Monday.
A rough wake up.
Thinking about getting down and playing.
Great hair!
Even better from the front.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Little big monster.

This is going to be lots of pictures. A pair of the pjs I like and she was just being cute and photogenic.
Those little hands are fascinating.

A profile.
Building up to...
a nice pose.
Let's see.
Moved the container and then it was time to climb in.
A quick stay.
And then back out.
Hey you, Mommy.
A tired Papa back from work on his bike.
Upside down.
She enjoys spotting herself in the mirror.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The beginning of bike rides.

Sébastien purchased a bicycle to ride to work. He also plans on taking Léa out when the weather
is nice. There was a nice sunny day that he decided to try out the kid wagon. Léa was hesitant at
first, but she really enjoyed once they started rolling. Sébastien said she looked around a lot and
played with her toys a bit.
Getting her settled in and strapped in.
What is happening?
It is actually a two seater.
Ready to go.
Just because I like taking pictures.
Hello in there.
She wanted to play with it not wear it.
A quick one before she took it completely off her head.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Baby tights.

If I could find tights like this that fit me I would wear them.
A toy which was meant for Christmas. I brought it back when I came back from my quick trip to France. At first she just liked the part with buttons and music. Then she realized she could push and/or pull it around. She even does some talking in this video.The pounding in the background is the work in the apartment next door. And on the tv the movie Crocodile Dundee is playing.
Another day another chance to film. I took another one of her pushing the toy around, dancing, and then parking it and leaving.