Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Tuesday at Fun Tots.

Léa and I have found a play group to attend on Tuesdays. I heard
about it from a lady I attend church with. Everyone who attends is
English speaking which is nice for me. I have taken Léa several
times now and at first she was a bit hesitant. The first few times she
preferred to stay close to me. Each time we were able to make it
she got a bit braver. She enjoys being around the other children.
For the most part she of course still plays on her own, but it is nice
for her to have the chance to socialize. Since the group meets on
Tuesdays, they had a big turn out for Mardi Gras.
Finding just the right toys to carry around and chew on.
There were little games like at a fair.
She found a lion during her wanderings.
Not much for golf.
She was watching the bean bag toss.

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