Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A bike ride to the fountain.

When I was young I remember my family was a bicycling family. When we were each small we rode in seats behind mommy or daddy. Then when we knew how to ride we got to ride in a line. Mommy in front us girls and daddy in back. It was always nice to bicycle around our town. People even knew us by that. Seb got a bicycle for himself, so that he could bike to work some days. Later we got a bicycle for me too. We managed to go out a few times before I got too pregnant. This day we decided to go for a bike ride towards Tervuren. There is a nice path and there are lots of trees and pretty scenery on the way. I was a bit slow at this point, but I enjoyed the bit of exercise. Seb had Léa with him. We have a two seater cart that can be pulled behind. It is nice. Léa gets to look around and if she is tired she goes to sleep. We rode until the fountain. It is really cool. Of course we took pictures!
Darn truck.
There is the fountain.
A bit closer.
And a traffic circle to drive around it.

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