Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Arts and Crafts Festival.

There is an annual festival held in Fairhope. It is The Arts and Crafts Festival. The streets of downtown are blocked and artist set up tents to display and sell their work. There are also different foods you can try. There are always funnel cakes and you can get just about anything fried and on a stick.
This sign isn't normally here, but it is nice for the hordes of people that come to Fairhope for this festival.
See lots of people.
I liked these.
Just about any kind of funnel cake topping you could care to want.
And many things on a stick...
My dad likes hummingbirds.
My home church does a German sausage lunch...oops, I don't eat sausage like that...I took a gyro. I was reprimanded by my Pastor that it was very un-Lutheran of me. ; )
I tired baby from all the walking at the festival.

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