Saturday, June 13, 2009

The March madness.

I just wanted to use that expression. I cannot remember much of this month. I have waited to long before making the time to try and type. Léa really started baby talking at this point. Her first few noises were so cute. Now she works her lungs several times throughout the day and tests out different volumes as well.
I liked toying with her when we stopped to change a diaper.
Her with her cousins, Natalee(left) and Mia(top).
She went from crying...
to a big smile!
She would fall asleep with her arm hanging out. I think it is cute.
Just stretching after a fresh diaper.
Love the facial expression.
Slept in/on the boppy and woke up with a stretch.
I just adore this picture.
My sweet sleeping girl.
One of the first times she found just her thumb(not the whole hand) as well as the blanket.
The French binkie...lovingly called "Mr. French."
She was helping change sheets.
Oh to sleep like this.
One of the only times she kept the pacifier for anything length of time.
It didn't last long.
A nap on the walk home from church.
Her coat of many colors.

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