Saturday, June 6, 2009

Papa's stay.

Sébastien was in Alabama from the middle of December until the end of January. Léa was born the last day of 2008. She weighed 8 lbs 14 oz and was 20 in long. She was baptized the second Sunday in January. We enjoyed being together as a family. I was attending a few classes at the time, so Sébastien had Daddy time with Léa. She always wanted to breast feed, so she was difficult to satisfy with a bottle without her getting too much. We took walks and went driving a lot. Léa enjoyed the movement and would usually sleep. We also went on many outings to enjoy the sun, the weather, and the outside. Léa's first beach experience was in Fairhope. We took pictures on the sand. The three of us went to two doctor's appointments together, a one week and her two week check-up. Sébastien left just before her one month check-up. We spent some time with my sister and her family. There was a day at Gulf Shores. We strolled and looked in shops. There were many pelicans and Sébastien was able to snap some great shots. We even laid on the beach some. Near the end of the month we managed a trip to Florida. A nice day on the white sands of Pensacola Beach. It was a gorgeous day. We all had a lovely time. We ended the evening with dinner at a seafood restaurant. Near the end of the month we had a family portrait taken. We were in a hurry and frustrated and did not make the best selection in my opinion, but it is a nice picture anyways.  Of course throughout the month we took tons and tons of pictures of Léa. 
One maybe two days old at the hospital.
Such a cute face to us.
My little big bundle of joy. 
Everything including Papa's nose could be a nipple.
Léa's first doctor's visit.

Eskimo kisses at the Fairhope beach.
The new family.

Just a neat picture of the family.

In Mobile.

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